Dimensions: 16” x 20”
Medium: Watercolor on Yupo, 2019
My inspiration for Eye on the Prize came from my childhood memories. I started fishing when I was a little girl. The good ol’Yellowstone River was out my back door! Fishing is a family thing. My mama, dad, younger brother and myself would spend countless hours sitting on the banks of the Yellowstone all summer long. Although, I have never caught a a rainbow…it’s on my bucket list! Since I haven’t had the opportunity to catch a rainbow, I decided to make one!
Look closely and you will see that the rainbow has his eye on his prize, but as a fisherman, that rainbow is my prize. I’m keeping my Eye on the Prize!

Dimensions: 11” x 14”
Medium: Watercolor on Yupo, 2020
Another Yellowstone River inspiration. The blue heron can be seen along the banks and in the backwaters of the Yellowstone. With the long legs and S curve neck, I have always been intrigued and enjoyed observing it’s natural behavior. I wanted to honor this foul-fisherman by centering all attention on him. He’s more than a heron, he’s Mr. Blue.