Porcelain's Past
My intension with using this ready-made is to repurpose it and communicate the idea of the many colorful layers representing time. This bathtub has been in my family for three generations and has been sitting outside upside down in dirt, and has been unearthed to facilitate a new purpose. The bathtub being an object that transcends time is still in operational condition.
When considering how to represent all the people from different generations, I used the human form to make an imprint within the object. By building up the different layers of paint, it makes an imprint and makes a mental state or experience permanent. I am also showing how time becomes static. I want the marks to be in relationship to the past, and intertwine them to make them one with the present.

WRONG WAY examines (spotlights) the plight of honey bees and how human behavior has negatively impacted their environment. As crucial as their continued well-being is to mankind, bees act instinctually and have not shown the ability to endlessly adapt. We, humans, have been travelling the wrong way--whether through greed or ignorance, we have created situations that have robbed bees of their birthright and laid the groundwork for the impending extinction of bees and therefore perhaps also the demise of the human race.